model comp card, modeling comp card, what is a comp card

One of the most crucial tools for models and those looking to break into the modeling industry is a model comp card. It presents your skills, appearance, and contact information to business people in the field, hopefully opening doors for you. Continue reading to find out what to put on your comp card, how to format it, and advice from professionals in the modeling business.

A model’s version of a business card is called a composite card (or a comp card). They are essential if you’re going to a job casting because they are one of the best ways for a model to be remembered by an agency. 

What Is a Model Comp Card? 

A composite card for modeling, or comp card as they are more commonly known, displays your best, most recent photographs along with your stature and modeling information (height, eye color, any special skills, etc.).  One shot of your entire body, one from the waist up, and one close-up of your face are required. Include a profile photo of yourself with your hair pulled back or up. 

A Comp card stands for “composite card,” since you put together images and information to represent yourself. A modeling comp card is your individual “business card” as a model, featuring pictures of you and serving as a means of self-promotion. For this, DIN A4 or A5 formats are frequently employed. Your most vital body information, such as measurements, height, weight, age, and so forth, are included along with your pictures.

What will a Modeling Comp card do for You

Clients can quickly determine whether you’re the right fit for their project with a comp card, which gives them a brief overview of your appearance. As a result, your comp card is what people see when they first meet you, so make a good one!

After all, stunning photographs instantly grab the viewer’s attention and pique their interest in seeing more of you and in working with you. Additionally, a well-designed comp card not only looks great but also conveys reliability and organization, both of which are values that every client values. 

Is a Comp Card and Sed Card the same thing?

You may have at some point heard the term “Sed Card” being used. This phrase also refers to a comp card, but it gets its name from Sebastian Sed, who created the sed card. Sebastian Sed, who co-owned the successful modeling agency Parker-Sed in the 1960s, created the “business card” for models, which is still in use today and bears his name, primarily in German-speaking nations. This invention made the selection of models easier. 
The importance of comp cards 

How To Design A Comp Card 

Comp cards are crucial because they give a potential agent or brand information about you and show them what you look like. By leaving your business card, you can leave a lasting impression and give the person you met the opportunity to introduce you to their team long after the meeting has ended.This is crucial because frequently the person you need to impress won’t actually meet you in person and there might be additional opportunities that you are unaware of in the future. 

What Does a Comp Card Look Like 

A comp card is typically printed on high-quality paper twice.  Your headshot and name should be on the front of the comp card. The back of the card should have four images that exhibit a good variety of poses and your essential information (including your contact number, location, age, and measurements). 

Ideally, you should use portfolio-style edited professional photos for your comp cards if you have any. For your comp card, you can also use your digis if you don’t have any professional photos. 

Can I Make Them On My Own? 

Yes! You can absolutely make your own comp cards. It’s a good idea to add fresh images to your comp cards every few months or so, so we advise you to learn how to do this. The best way to do this is using Canva, a free online design tool. Create a new A5 document using this tool, then drag and drop your images into it while adding your details. All you have to do to get started when you’re ready is download it. 
If all of this seems a little overwhelming, you can also contact a designer who can make your comp card. 

You can use the simple comp card layout shown here as an example. 

Model Comp Card Content, Layout, And Format

A comp card is typically created in A5 format and contains your personal information, including name, height, chest, waist, and hip measurements, shoe and dress sizes, hair and eye colors, and name. 5 different pictures of you will also be included on your comp card. 
We’ll specify exactly which photos to upload on your go-Models comp card once you’ve created it online.

A sizable portrait of you, ideally making eye contact with the viewer, is displayed on the front of the card. On the reverse, you’ll find more images taken from various angles and in a variety of looks, poses, and styles. Your personal information, including contact information and body measurements, will be displayed here. 

What pictures should I use on My Modeling Comp Card

Definitely include the following picture types on your comp card: 

You can use a photo of yourself laughing, jumping, or walking down the catwalk as your action shot. 

The Best Advice for Making a Digital Composite Card

Shoot your digitals in natural light with a neutral background near a window or even outside against a brick wall when creating your own comp card. Standing in a shaded area near sunlight is preferable to shooting in direct sunlight because it will cast unflattering shadows on your face. Never use a staged backdrop or an artificial set; the environment should be neutral and natural. Wear jeans (without rips) and a white t-shirt or casual but form-fitting black pants and a black top.

Avoid wearing loud jewelry or very colorful nail polish. Heels are a necessity for women! Keep them straightforward and three inches tall. You want to draw attention to your height and physique and height.

Go Easy on The Makeup

Digital photos are best taken with a bare face, but if a little light makeup makes you feel more at ease in front of the camera, go for it. Make sure to apply lip balm, curl your eyelashes, powder your nose, and spot conceal any zits that are stealing the show. Even models have bad days with their skin and hair! It’s not a big deal. Consult digital images of other models for ideas; research both male and female standard poses to determine which ones feel most comfortable for you.

Show Case Your Body Wearing A Swimsuit

Shoot an additional set of digital photos while wearing swimwear to target those particular jobs and to showcase your body, including any tattoos you may have. Never digitally alter your digital images!This might mislead casting directors.

Your natural beauty should be able to shine through if Photoshop and filters aren’t used. 
It is entirely feasible to create your own comp cards. Yes, you can succeed with it, but right now is not the time to be original or think outside the box. The more “by the book” you are when creating comp cards, the more likely it is that you’ll get the jobs that are most suitable for you. Casting agents have specific things they are looking for. 

Work With Photographers To Create The Best Model Comp Card 

You can use your digital photos to connect with photographers and begin compiling your model portfolio book now that you have them. 
You can always hire a professional photographer at this point, but if you’re on a tight budget, try to set up a Trade For Prints shoot (TFP). Basically, you produce a shoot with a photographer for free, and you both get paid for the photos that come out of it. This is a fantastic way to begin adding items to your sample portfolio book. 

Tips For Working With A Photographer Make your Modeling Comp Card: 

Look for a photographer whose work you enjoy. To find photographers, you can look in a variety of places: Reach out to film or photography students, DM them on Instagram, or post in Facebook groups for your area’s photographers.

You’ll have more variety in your model portfolio the more shooters you collaborate with. Send prospective photographers your digitals and a description of the shoot you have in mind.

Ask them about their wish list; a budding photographer may be itching to capture some editorial looks but hasn’t found the ideal subject just yet. Even if it’s outside of your comfort zone, try a new look! Even something as straightforward as a wig or some sparkly eye makeup can produce a standout image or even indicate a model’s aptitude for another type of modeling.

Be extremely cautious.

First, thoroughly research the photographers and their body of work. You should always have a parent or guardian with you on set if you are under the age of 18. A warning sign is if a photographer asks you to undress without first discussing it. You should feel secure and at ease when working with a good photographer. 

What You Must Have as a Model:

In the end, booking your first few jobs as a budding model is no easy task, but with some careful planning and preparation, you greatly improve your chances of landing your dream jobs. 
In particular, we strongly advise having both a professionally designed online portfolio that showcases all of your best work and a portfolio book with a composite card for modeling. 

How Much Does It Cost to Create a Comp Card? 

Sadly, due to the fact that different comp cards may have different requirements, there is no definitive answer to this query. For instance, the total cost may be influenced by the number of shoots required by the photographer to gather sufficient quality content for your comp card. In addition to the photographer’s fee, hair and makeup artists are frequently charged extra.

The range is between $400 and $3000. However, making such a financial commitment is crucial and worthwhile because your comp card will serve as your brand and serve as the foundation for your entry into the world of modeling. 
But you can certainly make a comp card yourself and save money if you are familiar with InDesign or Photoshop. If you create your own template, be sure to use neutral colors and a respectable background.

In this case, less is more, so refrain from overusing embellishments and decorations in your design. If you want to have your finished product printed, you can find a lot of service providers online who do this for a fair price.